Myths, Legends, and Gods Wikia

The Dream Star is a semi-sentient object that was forged and brought to Creation through the combined efforts of Tai and Achandasha. It's form is made up of a strange metal, reflecting all the colors of the well as other colors nearly incomprehensible and impossible to properly describe by mortal means. The Dream Star's descent to Creation heralded the arrival of celestial magic, becoming a source of power for that school of magic. The Dream Star oftentimes communicates with mortals through their dreams, granting wishes or giving cryptic dreams to the beholder.

The Celestial Citadel is built around the Dream Star, and its mysterious metal is occasionally used to forge powerful weaponry. Atop the Dream Star is an odd tree that bears truly unusual fruit; the ores of metal from the Dream Star. These metals are then carefully processed and treated delicately, before finally being shaped into weaponry. Throughout all of this, a soul will slowly be birthed from the metal. The souls formed from this process inhabit the weapons, assisting (or resisting) the wielder when the weapons are used. It is said that a weapon's full potential can only be realized once the wielder has properly earned the trust and respect of the soul within the weapon.
